
James Camp

James (Jim) Camp is an ordained youth pastor from a non-denominational church in Little Rock where he spent many years in ministry to youth.  In 1989 he moved with his family to Greenbrier, AR.  He has remained in bible study with Dr. James Brettell for approximately 30 years.  During this time he has served in many youth camps with other groups.

Jim has been married to his wife Donna for 31 years.  Jim and Donna have both served in camps together.  As a result, they established the non-profit Camp Tetelestai for the purpose of building a youth camp facility to provide small group weekend camps to support youth through-out the school year.

Jim has the ability to communicate well with youth, they are quick to open up and share their fears and dreams so that encouragement and wise counsel can be applied.  Jim is a Christian that loves the Lord and has the desire to serve the Lord and minister to youth.